Jacksons journey

Versailles , KY (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Meds

Jacksons journey

by Hailey Jackson

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $3,500.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $3,500.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Versailles , KY (US)

Hailey Jackson is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

We are Sean and Hailey Jacksons. We have been together since we were 17 and 16. Got married at 18 and have been happily married since. We started our journey once we got married and to our surprise we found out we were pregnant. We were over the moon since Hailey has had irregular periods. Unfortunately 6 weeks later we miscarried. Three months after we packed out our little family of three (Carly our dog) and moved to the great state Texas. There we grew in our marriage and as adults now living alone with no family. There we adopted our sweet dog Zero and live as now a family of four. We always had hoped that one day we would be blessed again to grow our family. We stayed patience and in 2019 we added 2 more beautiful souls to the Jackson family Valley our sassy cat and Gibby a big white fully puppy who loves dad. In 2020 we finally looked at getting help with trying to conceive. We started at our ob/gyn and there Hailey went on clomid we had so much hope that we would be blessed but after 3 months it ended with once again empty arms. We had found out that Hailey has pcos and things started looking down. We collected our thoughts and continued on with an ivf clinic and we spent 2 months on more pills and even added injections. We ended our journey with this clinic as hurtful things were said to us and we decided to take a break and reconnect as a couple. TTC is a full time job and it is easy to forget why you are trying to start a family. We wanted something so bad it become the only thing that matter to us and we need to remember why we started this journey. After a few months off we spent time looking for a clinic that respects us and who we felt safe with. It took over a year to find the right fit and in that year we adopted two more beautiful faces Lynx our prefect kitten and Ripley Rue a puppy who brought pure joy and never left us with a dull moment. We continued on as a family of now 8 and waited till we got all our ducks in a row to start our fertility journey again. Once we made the decision to stare it was now June 2022 and we fully felt ready and take on the financial part of treatment. We had just came back from a much needed vacation and when we came home it was to full heart break. We were hit with the new that we had to put our beloved cat Lynx to sleep after he had broken both his hips and he would no loved be able to live the life of a young youthful cat who loved running up the stairs and chasing us around the house. This was our first pet lose as a family and it hit us hard on July 14, 2022 our sweet boy left this world to move on to the next. We put a stop on the thought of doing ivf and we had to learn how to go on with life without our son. Our pets are more like children to us and the loss truly broke us. Our sweet girl Valley was now lost without her brother and in fear of losing her we decided to adopt a sweet girl we named Jovi. Jovi has brought so much life and happiness in our house and we felt like Lynx would have approved of her. We thought life would go on and once again life showed us that we have no control over what happens. The Jacksons were now moving to Kentucky. After building a life in Texas for the last 4 years we were now packing up everything planning on making a 13 hour drive to what would be our new home. We have now fully settled into our new home but still feel as if something is still missing, our arms are empty. We hope and pray that we will be able to do ivf after the new year but as unfortunately so many know ivf is a huge expense and even with both of us working the goal just feels so far away. We are here asking that if anyone feels it in their heart to donate to our family. This will help a young couples achieve the amazing gift of parenthood. The Jacksons thank you and bless you